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Maximum of 36 participants, 15 eliminated first round, 10 second and third round.


~ Participants ~

​1. Snowdrop

2. Perithia

3. IckySkyMaze

4. Sailor_Kitteh13

5. Sparky

6. PicklePanda57

7. KaleCat

8. XoXoAwesome

9. Kabples

10. Oceanelle

11. coolgirl11302

12. Arujan

13. Crafty_Cake

14. linapink74

15. Reinbow

16. Shadedfire

17. Iyiuuu

18. TheJustCookie

19. HannahLikesCats

20. Imagetion

21. JustShelly

22. KateVampire

23. TheIrishMinecart

24. FennecFox

25. Jasusey

26. KittyStars

27. Aisulu

28. Kalyrii

29. MissNightOwl

30. AmberCat220



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